Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 25 - 26 in Montreal

 We were able to romp around Montreal for the weekend of June 25-26.  It was the opening weekend of the Montreal Jazz Fest.  We quickly learned that it was not only about jazz as many of the bands played blues, rocknroll, and even do-wop. It is a huge festival that occurs throughout about 2 square miles of the town, and we expect there were many additional thousands of people there above the average.  Everyone spoke French - except us.  But it did not matter because they all also spoke English. They even understood our redneck english !!   After a tour of the historic district, where many of the buildings were constructed in 1645, we enjoyed the eateries of Montreal.  The waitstaff at all the places we visited were outstanding.  And so, with food, fun, history, and music, Montreal is a great visit. On Sunday, Christine and I visited the spa call Strom for thermal and message therapy.  This took 4 hours and it topped off the collective celebration of Chrisine's birthday, my birthday, and our anniversary. Here is a pic of Becky, Grover, Greg, Lu and Christine at the start of our tour of Old Town Montreal.

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