The first crew of BlueSkies back in June of 2011, while we were in New York, showed up for a repeat performance here in the Florida Keys. Becky and Grover came from Asheville, NC. The first pic shows Grover on a fishing boat on the afternoon of April 6th. The waves were 5 to 7 feet and we were out 8 miles with Captain Tom of the fishing vessel Barracuda. There were 6 paying customers on the trip, but only 4 of us actually fished, since 2 were seasick the entire afternoon. Regardless, the captain put us right in the middle of a school of yellowtail snapper and we hauled in over 200 fish. Of these, we kept 60 fish (next pic) which was our limit. While Grover and I were hauling in our meals for the next several days, Becky and Christine visited the Turtle Hospital. It was great to see turtles being cared for, but somewhat disconcerting to know that it is primarily the result of humans that these species are endangered. At the end of the afternoon, we meet at Key Fisheries for drinks and stone crabs(third pic). Finally, a couple of pics of turtles getting well in thier hospital.
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