Sunday, August 7, 2011

August 4 To the Lantern on the Barrel- Point Au Brialle

Point au Brialle was named for a barrel with a lantern on it that showed the way for traders in the late 1800’s.   So, we went looking for a barrel with lantern on it, now replaced with a lighthouse built in 1883.   We anchored in a nice cove about 3 miles from the lighthouse and took the dinghy down the channel to the lighthouse (first pic).   We found Emmaline Madigan (pic 2), who lived at the lighthouse starting at age 17 and was the lighthouse keeper for 29 years.  During that time she raised 6 children in the lighthouse.  She works now as a guide for the lighthouse, but lives there 5 days per week. Pic 3 shows Christine with the original lighthouse lantern and the Fresnel lense.   Pic 5 show a replica of the original barrel where the lantern glowed in the mid 1800’s.   Finally, a shot from the top of the lighthouse.  We returned to our anchorage sanctuary and had a peaceful night among granite outcrops and crystal clear water.

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